Sunday, September 25, 2011

Taipei and Moto Adventure

Not really Japan related but Misato and I went to Taipei. Check out the pics, there are a lot of us from arms length so I hope you enjoy. Taipei was much nicer than I was expecting, clean and safe. We ate a lot of delicious food and saw some pretty views. I finally got my motorcycle!!!! My ride back from Tokyo was a bit busy for the first half, but the second half was nice through a mountain pass. Misato and I then took the bike out up in the mountains up north of Utsunomiya. Got off to a late start, but took a break at a nice bridge. Started to get a bit dark on the way down and since it was our first ride on my new bike I was a bit timid, but it all turned out ok with a nice steak dinner at the end 320 grams is more than I was expecting. Any motorcycle riders out there in Tochigi the hunter mountain pass is a nice ride from Nikko to Shiobara.
Taipei and Moto Adventure