Sunday, November 11, 2012

FHI Glider Competition

FHI was having a glider competition and asked if I would join. I thought making the glider was going to be super easy so I left it to the morning of to make it, but apparently it is harder, you have to actually cut things and measure and glue etc... My glider didnt turn out so good, I could only get it to fly for 10 seconds max and it kept trying to do loops, but I got a stronger rubber band and it was able to fly for 40 seconds and didnt do the loop. The expert fliers told us the key was more power, I guess they were right.
My glider... note the "splice" on the wing, because I didnt measure like I was supposed to the wing paper didnt fit right and I had to add a little more

Seki san flying his glider.
Me and my glider, before it headed into a loop.

Flying the gliders was a lot more fun than I expected. Interesting trying to get them to fly well.


  1. Are you still in Utsunomiya, Greg? I was just transferred there and am looking to meet people with similar hobbies to my own (ie, hiking!).

    Look me up if you want to meet sometime and climb something.


    Chad Brick

    1. hey chad, unfortunately i moved back to the US in april, might be back in utsunomiya later next year. let me know if you need any utsunomiya info.
